
To provide greater insight into how (by focusing on - and aligning - business operations and business behaviours) Adroit & Associates adds value to the companies we work with, see four scenarios below. 

Each scenario is in fact a summary (anonomised) case study that highlights a particular set of issues that A&A helped resolve.

1 Growth to Exit

When… even good financials with rapid and continued growth didn’t prove to be a winning formula for selling Company X, something that would add real value had to be done. 

To see the full story: Read More

2 Problems & Solutions

When… the Board of a national company with multiple sites wanted to know why two were under performing.

To see the full story: Read More

3 Systems & Software Requirements

When… acquisition by a large organisation results in legacy software and systems. For each acquisition most legacy systems were decommissioned but always some remained in place.

To see full story: Read More

4 Strategy to Reality

When… the step by step ‘Client Boarding’ process for a global company was not clearly defined and resulted in a less than perfect client experience – there was a need for change.

 To see full story: Read More

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